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Girl Power! By Karyn J. Johnson

I had a fabulous Saturday night! No, I did not go out to the club and dance on the bar even though in my younger days, I have experienced that. This past Saturday night, I was blessed to be included in a Sage Circle.

The goddess who introduced us to this night of female empowerment was my friend, Barbara Gun-Lartey. It was an amazing night of positive femine spirits connecting as one to be there to let each other know, we were not alone on our journey. We had a group of 14 outstanding women who were open with their minds and their hearts. In that moment we did not wear titles, we did not have bills, or problems and we did not wear masks. We were able to be our true self laughing and sharing personal moments which said in a group of non-judgemental people helped us to see where we were, how far we have come and what we have to do to get to the next level of personal happiness.

I spoke with another guest at the Sage Circle who stated she was disappointed in many women for not being more friendly, open and sharing. This lady travels a lot due to her being active in the military and she has the opportunity to meet women from various places and backgrounds. She stated she wished more women who are in position of power or just women who are just a few steps ahead of everyone else would mentor more and share how they got to be where they are. AMAZING! I could not agree with her more. Why would another woman (or anyone) not want to help or give advice about how they have become successful. I personally think only an insecure person would do that or maybe someone that has had that done to them over and over again. Would you agree?

My challenge to all women who read this is an easy one, I think. I challenge each and every woman to be kinder and more open to other women. What do I mean by being kinder and more open? Well, I am so glad you asked! I mean stop treating every woman like she is your archenemy. Stop being judgemental. Look another woman in her eyes when you speak to her and show her the same respect you are expecting. Compliment her, not just on her hair and outfit, but how she handled a difficult situation, her shining spirit, her wonderful personality or her positive outlook on life. Hold inspiring and genuine conversations, not just discuss what has happened with your favorite reality star. Share information with her if it is going to make her better or place her in a better situation. When you do that, you allow karma to come into your life at a time when it's needed and bless you. Remember, we as women have all been through the muck at some point and time in our lives. What makes you think your stilettos are taller, better and more comfortable than the next woman's heels. We all stumble and need help from time to time.

We need to keep in mind just how phenomenal women are. We are unique in our own way baring gifts as we come to every path in the journey. We have strength beyond belief! We are beautiful not just on the outside but with every drip of blood that runs through our veins! We are mothers, tearchers, leaders, planners and we can build up a nation or tear it down piece by piece! We are powerful! We are fearless! We spiritually blessed! Do not take that away from another woman. Be an inspiration to the next sister and keep in mind, girl power is the only power!

"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again." ~ Og Mandino

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